interface CombatantInfoEvent {
    ability: null | Ability;
    auras: CombatantInfoAura[];
    covenantId: number;
    expansion: ExpansionType;
    factionId: null | number;
    gear: (CombatantInfoGear & CombatantInfoShadowlandsLegendary)[];
    primaryCustomPowerSet: null | CombatantInfoCustomPower[];
    pvpTalents: number[];
    secondaryCustomPowerSet: null | CombatantInfoCustomPower[];
    soulbindId: number;
    source: null | Actor;
    sourceDisposition: ActorDisposition;
    sourceInstanceId: number;
    sourceRaidMarker: number;
    sourceResources: null | ResourceData;
    specId: number;
    stats: CombatantInfoStats;
    talentPoints: number[];
    talentRows: number[];
    talentTree: TalentTreeNode[];
    target: null | Actor;
    targetDisposition: ActorDisposition;
    targetInstanceId: number;
    targetRaidMarker: number;
    targetResources: null | ResourceData;
    tertiaryCustomPowerSet: null | CombatantInfoCustomPower[];
    timestamp: number;
    type: "combatantinfo";

Hierarchy (view full)


ability: null | Ability

The ability used by the source on the target. Null if no ability is set.

A set of auras that are present on the player when combat begins.

covenantId: number

For Shadowlands only, the covenant of the player.

expansion: ExpansionType

The expansion that the combatant info event is for.

factionId: null | number

Whether the player is horde or alliance. In older expansions, this will be unset.

Gear worn by the player

primaryCustomPowerSet: null | CombatantInfoCustomPower[]

The primary borrowed power for a given expansion. Artifacts in Legion, Azerite Powers in BfA, Soulbinds in Shadowlands.

pvpTalents: number[]

For all retail expansions, the set of chosen PvP talents.

secondaryCustomPowerSet: null | CombatantInfoCustomPower[]

The secondary borrowed power for a given expansion. Heart Essences in BfA 8.2+, Conduits in Shadowlands.

soulbindId: number

For Shadowlands only, the soulbind of the player.

source: null | Actor

The source actor. Null if no source is set.

sourceDisposition: ActorDisposition

The raw disposition of the source. Use the isFriendlyParticipant and isEnemyParticipant methods to obtain the overall single disposition for this actor. This field should be used with caution as it could flip if the logger or the unit get mind controlled.

sourceInstanceId: number

The instance id of the source.

sourceRaidMarker: number

The raid marker on this source unit. 0 if no raid marker is set.

sourceResources: null | ResourceData

Resource data for the source. Null if no resource information is available.

specId: number

The Blizzard spec id for the player.

Stats for the player, including all primary and secondary stats.

talentPoints: number[]

For Classic expansions only, an array of 3 numbers representing the points spent in talents.

talentRows: number[]

For Legion, BFA and Shadowlands only, an array of 7 numbers representing the choices on each talent row.

talentTree: TalentTreeNode[]

For Dragonflight only, an array of talent tree node objects representing the chosen path in the talent tree.

target: null | Actor

The target actor. Null if no target is set.

targetDisposition: ActorDisposition

The raw disposition of the target. Use the isFriendlyParticipant and isEnemyParticipant methods on Fight to obtain the overall single disposition for this actor. This field should be used with caution as it could flip if the logger or the unit get mind controlled.

targetInstanceId: number

The instance id of the target.

targetRaidMarker: number

The raid marker on this source unit. 0 if no raid marker is set.

targetResources: null | ResourceData

Resource data for the target. Null if no resource information is available.

tertiaryCustomPowerSet: null | CombatantInfoCustomPower[]

The tertiary borrowed power for a given expansion. Anima Powers in Shadowlands.

timestamp: number

The time offset of the event in milliseconds from the start of the report.

type: "combatantinfo"

The type of the event.